"That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:4-5

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Fresh Perspective

How many times have you said to someone, "I have nothing to wear"?  We women are famous for that statement, which is basically always said while we're standing next to a closet full of clothes.  I am one of those women who has said that many times.  But have we ever really known what it's like to have nothing to wear?  I highly doubt that!

The Lord has been changing my perspective on SO many things lately, and this is one of them.  I used to be a clothes/fashion addict.  Obsessive about what I wore, and never having enough.  Well, today I went through my clothes, because my drawers were literally breaking from the weight of all the clothes in them, yet I always think I don't really have anything to wear.

I emptied them out, and really....I almost started crying.  How foolish I have been all of these years!  I have piles and piles of good, nice clothing, that any woman should be so grateful to have.  There were so many pieces of clothing that I had put aside--clothes in brand new condition--because they just weren't right somehow, or I wanted something better.  I am looking at them now with a fresh perspective!  Many of them that had been cast aside are now going to be worn, and some I am going to give away to bless someone else.

I am a blessed woman!  I always have what I need, and sometimes don't even realize it.  Our perspective in this country is soooo skewed....some of us think we are living in poverty, and really....we are RICH!

“...Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none..."  Luke 3:11


  1. Isn't this true of us all? Thanks for the reminder.

  2. AMEN! We are very clothes frugal here...We have literally only what we need...We are not folks that have a closet full of clothing...we each have a few shirts that can be mixed and matched,we each have a couple pair of jeans, I and dd have 3 or 4 skirts and mine are mainly denim as they can be worn for casual or put with a dressier blouse for a dressier look...dd and I have a 3 or 4 dresses...we each have about 3 pair of shoes...work, casual and dress...undergarments are the same way...It is much simpler to have fewer choices...we also shop mainly as thrift/second hand stores...once a year we go 'shopping' for new items...Just one of the many ways we are a "separate people" and keep things simple!

    Hugs and Blessings Friend!

  3. excellent post! i don't have very many clothes but i sure have enough.
