"That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:4-5

My Home

Welcome to our very humble home.  It is a fixer that started as a dump, and we are slowly bringing it to life.

My Kitchen--I will do a panoramic sweep here with the photos, starting at the entryway from the living room area, rotating clockwise all the way around:

Standing in the doorway coming from the living room.

Picture came out kind of dark; this area is so beautiful when the sunshine is streaming in!

To the right of the refrigerator is the doorway I was standing in, in the first pic. You can see the gate at the bottom of the stairway; if you walk past there you will be in the living room.

That ugly brown door will be replaced some day.  That is the bathroom.

And all the way back around!  In this shot you can see the pantry door, and my girls' school carts.

Now some close-ups.  Here is a busy area--juicer, coffee pot, crock pot...cookies!

A bit dim, but I just love my canisters and bread box.


  1. Your home is lovely, and your website is very nifty! I made some coconut balls today from an online recipe that sounded familiar. I used to make these treats when I was a teen--now I'm in my 60's! Sadly, they were hideously sweet. Your recipe looks much better. I'll try a small batch next week.

  2. Country Mama, I'm a 21 mother of two who is try to take baby steps in homesteading AND homeschooling. I'm a spirit-filled Christian who love my God. I would really love some advice on where to start. I want to become self sufficient and I've got a ton to learn. My mom is a "prepper" and raises chickens, grows a garden and does some preserving, but wouldn't call herself a homesteader. If you read this and find the time would you email me at amber.shaffer32@gmail.com I would really like any helpful info from you! Thanks so much!! :)
