"That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:4-5

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cherish Every Moment

Cherish every moment...

Baby crying?  Cherish this moment to comfort your baby...it'll over way too fast and you'll miss it someday.

Too many dishes?  Cherish this moment to clean the food from the plate of your loved ones...too many people in the world don't have any food to put on plates.

Kids messing up the house?  Fighting? Disobeying?  Cherish these moments...some parents have lost children to diseases or accidents.  Praise God yours are alive and healthy.

Husband is keeping you awake with his snoring?  Praise God that he is breathing.

Piles of laundry every day?  Enjoy washing your clothes...some people in the world are naked and cold.

Irritated by your husband's personal flaws?  Cherish every second you have with that man...some women have been widowed and wish that they had appreciated every single moment when they had them.

Uncomfortably pregnant?  Cherish this moment!  You have been greatly blessed, and there are women out there who would give anything to be able to carry a child.  Treasure this time.

I'm challenging you to look at life in a different perspective!  Don't be someone who doesn't know what they've got until it's gone...know that what you've got could be gone in an instant, and cherish every second.  Love your husband and children like this is the last day on earth that you have to spend with them!

Cherish EVERY moment.


  1. I love all these little reminders about how truly blessed we are. It's so hard to remember how blessed we are in the midst of trials and hardships, but the truth is, we are blessed each and every day by a wonderful God who loves us! -Alyssa

  2. Yes! As a mother with her oldest with one foot out of the nest, all I can do is think back...oh how I wish she were little again! And yes, my ultra wonderful husband snores a lot and I will remember this reminder next time I am frustrated with him. Thank you!

  3. I found you through Raising Homemakers.

    It's fun to see a mom ahead of me in raising her children in the blogosphere. I appreciate these reminders especially when I am in the midst of raising a 4yo, 3yo & 18mo old! :) I blogged about this struggle the other day. Would love your feedback:
