"That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:4-5

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Frugal Meal Tip: Chicken

Whole chickens are the greatest!  I often wait for them to go on sale, then I buy several and freeze them.  Then when I cook one, I get at least two meals out of it--often three!

This time around, I bought a chicken on sale, and it was around $3, maybe $3.50.  The first night, I made roasted chicken and vegetables.

Tonight, with some of the leftover chicken, I made chicken a la king.  I served it over brown rice, with biscuits.  This meal was a really big hit!  It is so simple, but everyone really loved it, even Adam.

I still have the chicken carcass with more meat on it, so next I will make some stock and turn it all into a soup!

Okay, so to review...I paid around $3 for a chicken and got THREE meals out of it!  And they're good meals too.  Wow!

I am getting excited to plant my garden.  It is amazing how cheap veggies are if I grow them myself.  There was a sale recently at the store where I do my grocery shopping, and I got garden seeds for 50% off.  So, I paid less than $1 for each pack of seeds that grows many, many vegetables.  I'm going to be growing carrots, beets, green beans, lettuce, onions, garlic, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.  I'm very excited, but I'm still fairly new at this so I hope it all goes well!

I was extremely happy this morning when I discovered that our hens are FINALLY laying!  Yay!  I love fresh eggs and that is another way to save money on food.

I would love to hear all of your frugal meal ideas also!

1 comment:

  1. YUM!! These look delicious! :D So happy for you about your fresh eggs too! :D We are getting about 25 a day now, and that has REALLY helped! ;D (did I tell you we use 18 for breakfast, and then whatever I use to cook with for the day! lol)
    So anyway, I wanted to tell you that I always stock up on like 100 pounds of chickens when I can find them cheap too (I got some 2 wks ago for 33 cents a POUND for whole fryers!!!! WOOOT) So I always pressure cook them, debone them, and then can the broth. Then I make up stews, and chowders, and also just plain old chicken for casseroles and I can that as well. That way I don't have all those chickens taking up freezer space, and I don't ever have to thaw or anything!! Oh girl, it comes in SO handy! :D Love to you today, and hope you have a wonderful, blessed weekend!!! --S
