"That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:4-5

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Garden Update

I've been so excited for my garden!  However, it has taken forever to warm up around here, and there hasn't been much sun, soooo....it's been slow going.  But things are coming up.  I thought I would share some pictures of how it is going so far.  I wish I had a better camera, but I don't, so these pictures will have to do!  Here ya go:

Facing north on the east side of the garden. My back is against the entry gate, and our house is behind me. Across the road there are the pig pens and goat pen.



One of the pole beans mounds (we have two).

Northeast corner of the garden: bean mounds in the front, then strawberries/raspberries, then squash mounds behind that.


Lots of green strawberries!


One of the zucchini mounds

Yellow squash


Corn starting to pop up!


Facing east: the carrot and beet rows

Snap peas on the left; peas on the right

Onions and peas.  Something keep nibbling my onions--grrrrr!!!

We also have potatoes growing in a barrel that I forgot to take a picture of, and a tomato plant. We actually are not done with the garden yet.  I'm going to put in a couple more squash starts, and more blueberry bushes.  We also are putting in more soil to fill in the rest of the garden area on the west side, and then I'm going to throw in some more potatoes and onions.  We have a short growing season around here, so hopefully it is not too late, but we are going to try!  Next year, that whole northeast corner is going to be berries!

I hope you enjoyed the tour of my garden!

This post is linked up at:
The Homestead Barn Hop


  1. I love your garden. I live in town so I have a regular small backyard to work with. But it is slowly turning into mostly food! I planted a apple and a pear tree last year instead of a regular shade tree. And my raised beds went from 2 to 5 with a couple of pots of things also. Great work April! Your family will eat well. Now if I could trade my dog for chickens-that would be GREAT! Don't tell hubby *smile*

  2. Your garden looks great. Mine is sitting mostly empty right now which I am not happy about. I do have some carrots and turnips growing. The early crops - lettuce, radishes and some of the carrots - have been taken out and I want to replant. It has been SO hot though and I don't handle the heat well so I haven't gotten there yet.
