"That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:4-5

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fresh From Our Homestead!

Here is a picture of a small amount of the harvest from my garden:

Here is a salad I made from the lettuce, carrots, and (super sweet) tomatoes:

And here are the zucchini muffins:

Green beans and eggs:

And more pictures of our baby chicks!:

Have a wonderful Jesus-filled week!!


  1. Oh how lovely...everything in your garden looks so fresh and alive with nutrition.

    and oh those baby chicks...so cute.


  2. wow- how nice! I have to admit I'm sort of jealous, the deer came and ate a lot of our stuff this year. The only thing they didn't eat from our little garden were the zucchini and the few onions that finally came up. I was so disappointed when I went out and all the tops of our carrots were eaten away! Not to mention apples from our tree! And the mums I had just planted in our pots that were right by our front porch were all eaten away too! I was a friend of the deer until this past week, now I'm like "honey, it's time to go hunting". :) Congrats on your bounty!

  3. My kids love seeing the chick pictures, and I love them seeing black ones instead of the classic yellow we see all the time in books! ;)

  4. Hi! I saw that you've become a follower of my blog...just wanted to say thanks.

    I've enjoyed reading your blog today. The home grown salad looks delish...we grew beets this year and were pretty successful for the small area we grew.
    Are your chickens Dominques? We finally bought the wood and wire to finish our chicken coop and run.
    I would love to have Dominques. I had some years ago..and they are super friendly chickens!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

