"That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:4-5

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Scheduling Chores

I am working on getting organized for the fall, so I don't lose my mind when school starts.  The easiest way for me to stay on top of the chores around the house is to schedule them out.  This works well as long as I DO the scheduled chores, and don't fall prey to lazy and decide that the scheduled chore doesn't sound a bit fun, and that certainly there MUST be something better to do!  It does take discipline, but I am confident that if I seek the Lord each day HE will help me stay disciplined and enable me to do it.

I obviously have things I do every day, and then I have chores I do just once a week.  Those are the ones that I've scheduled as my extra chores for each day of the week.  I also wrote out my morning routine that I do every day to stay organized.  These are things that I always do every morning, even during summer (except for school).  They're just habit and really help the day go smoothly.  Of course, things are still a bit off because I have a baby, and never know when he'll want to be held or eat, so I have to be flexible.  But here is my basic routine:

My morning routine:

Make bed
Make breakfast and Ted's lunch
Clean kitchen with kids
Spray and wipe bathroom sink, mirror, and toilet
Start laundry
If necessary, put dinner in crock pot
Get school going
(*note: I aim to do Bible reading during Adam's morning feeding)

Daily Chore Schedule

Sun- Look over school assignments/plan for week
        Make peanut butter bars  :)
Mon-Dust downstairs + cobwebs
        Wash kitchen appliances
Tues-Wash our sheets
         Wash windows/mildew
Wed-Vacuum our bedroom + cobwebs
         Mop floors
Thurs-Scrub downstairs sinks and tub
         Organize one drawer
Fri- Clean fridge
       Organize pantry
       Menu planning
Sat- Vacuum upstairs + cobwebs
        Wash upstairs bathroom floor
        Dust Adam's room
        Wash kids' sheets
        Grocery shopping
(The girls and I rally on the upstairs on Saturdays and get it all clean, since we have more time to clean than we do on school days.  Typically we clean in the morning and do grocery shopping in the afternoon.)

The baby has awakened so I need to finish this post, but later I will share my children's chore lists also.


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