"That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:4-5

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Asking for More Prayer...

I am trusting the Lord for His will for me, even as I am having serious concerns about this pregnancy.  I am exactly 6 weeks along today, and there is no sign of nausea.  For me, that is a bad sign.  In my pregnancy history, no nausea is always a tip off that something is not quite right.  So, I have been doing a lot of crying today, and mentally preparing myself for another loss.  I hope I am not sounding pessimistic here, but I know my body well, and how I'm supposed to feel when I am carrying a viable pregnancy.

Thank you for listening to my update, and praying for me.  I will keep you posted.


  1. Oh, I am so sorry. I miscarried my first and it was very hard. I will pray for you.

  2. Keeping you in prayer April.

  3. Wow, sometimes God just wants us to ask others to pray for us and rain down the power of God from heaven. I'm praying for a miracle for you.

  4. Also I was wondering if you take progesterone cream this sometimes helps with preventing miscarriages. Here is my post on expectant mothers as well http://www.feedingnineonadime.com/2009/08/expectant-mothers.html God Bless!

  5. I will continue to pray. I know the feeling all too well.

  6. With my last pregnancy I started spotting and was sent for a blood test. It confirmed low hormone levels which most certainly meant miscarriage. So I was sent for an ultrasound. I sat in the ER for 6 hours waiting to be called- I was alone. But not really, the Lord was with me. I was preparing for bad news and begging for good news. However, by the grace of God she was alive. I pray for you that you too get an unexpected result and your baby lives. Prayer is the only answer and I will be praying for you.

  7. Praying for you, April, and your sweet baby!
